Friday, January 10, 2014

The Worth of Words

Usually when people think about helping others, they think about giving something. Whether time, money, or items, giving is the number one thing we associate with helping out another person.

Amongst money and time, I think words are undervalued. The right words can help another person with their problems.

Words don't have to be elaborate to have a positive impact. Sometimes a simple "hello" or "how are you" can help someone. You never know when a simple acknowledgement will save someone.

So that is my challenge for you today, dear Ministry members. Say hello to someone. Compliment a person. Leave an encouraging note for someone to find. Help someone out with words.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

You Are Cordially Invited To Join the Ministry of Kindness

Consider this your open invitation to the Ministry of Kindness! What is the Ministry of Kindness? It’s this thing I created to spread kindness through creativity. Inspired by organizations like Random Acts and More Love Letters, I believe that you can make someone’s day by doing an act of kindness. The best way to do that is by using some creativity! Here are some ways to join the Ministry of Kindness:

       Dress up as a superhero, a princess, a knight, or anything like that and visit kids in the hospital! While you’re there you can give out gifts, flowers, or put on a puppet show.
2.       Leave a little encouraging note for someone to find, More Love Letters style.
3.       Give out flowers to random people you meet during the day.
4.       Give out balloons (who doesn’t love balloons?)

You don’t have to spend a ton of money. That’s where the creativity comes in. Think of kind things you can do that are simple and can be done just about anywhere. Besides visiting a children’s hospital, these are things that can be done anywhere. At the park, on the street, in the coffee shop, on your college campus. Sure, these things aren’t going to solve any major problems. We’re not going to find a cure to anything. We’re not going to solve world hunger or end poverty. We can make someone’s day better, though, and that is an amazing feat in itself.

Also, please remember that we are trying to help someone have a better day. If someone asks you to stop or doesn’t want to accept your act, please respect their wishes. Everyone has different beliefs and may not necessarily agree with what you are doing. Don’t let that discourage you from trying again though!

Be sure to stay tuned for inspiration and craft & DIY tutorials for things that can be used for your acts of kindness!

If you do any of these things, or anything in the spirit of ministry of kindness, be sure to tag a photo on Twitter or Instagram with #ministryofkindness!